Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So Say We All. The Musical.

Well it is getting late I think you should go.
     No I refuse.
No please, don't make me ask more than once.
   Well then don't make me beg to stay.
I, I can't take this, I need to concentrate.
       Concentrate on what? This exam? School? None of it matters.
To you it may not but this exam and these papers all around me and that low grade I got last week does mat-
      No, no it doesn't. It may matter to you now, everything matters now  but in the long run you will not          even remember this night. It will be one big blur.
Oh so you are one of those. A dreamer...
     And what in particular is bad about that my friend?
     Well if I am dreamer I might as start somewhere.
I am not friends with dreamers.
      Well you should be.
Oh so now you are telling me what to do?
    Friends are always helpful aren't they?

I am never friends with dreamers.
They are always stuck thinking about the future.
     Stop, stop you are making me crazy.
     Don't push away things that make you hazy.
I live in the present and I know what matters most.
I am sick and tired of those who sit  around and cost.
    Stop, stop I know what you are doing.
    You are scared you are worried, you might fall for my wooing.
You guys have it all figured out,
You got the life you want the girl-
   Aww it's okay there is no need to scream and shout.
   You are so pretty....
    I like the way you talk, so witty.
    Not to mention that body, that body, that body.
  Shhhh, Don't worry.

That's it dreamers suck, you've pushed your luck. I am sick of this.
  Your voice is bliss.

You need to go, I need study. Here's my number you should call me.

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