Friday, April 8, 2011

Nina, I'm afraid I shan't be able to marry you after all.


Andrew sits alone at his desk in the corner of his bedroom. In the darkness, only the light of his laptop shines in on his face. He types madly and with each key stroke he gets more excited.

Then the monster slices through is throat!

He jumps out of his chair with the final key stroke.

The End! Ha Screw you Will.

He looks around for validation as if a crowd was watching. He sees his empty room, slowly sits back down and stares at his completed script. 

He stares at it, almost waiting for something to come out of the screen.

He looks around the room again, while dicking around with his mouse. Andrew's eyes fall back on his screen and his hand open the internet and already logged in to Facebook. No one is online. Confused, Andrew looks at the time. It is very late.

Andrew opens a friend's profile and starts typing a message. He gets two lines in hen starts to backspace and immediately closes the browser.

He gives up and starts to close his laptop screen but the screen gets stuck with an inch to close. Andrew tries to close the screen but it won't go any further. He pauses and starts to open the screen again. What is stuck?

In one fowl swoop a giant green pulsating, slimy, moist, fat and blubbery monster pries itself out of the computer, and swallows Andrew whole.

The End.

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