Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ireland, it's my island.

Dark room. Dark city.
It's the future too.
Tall skyscrapers and everything.
Ships flying about everywhere.
Lots of people, over population, lots of smog, the usual...but it still has a cleaner vibe, more Aeon Flux and less Bladerunner.
So a tall women in a futuristic type dress gets out of one of the ships and on to the platform of one of the tall buildings. Business as usual, other people are doing it, it's a Monday - or in this case, in the future, it's a Kranday because on this planet they needed more days than the usual seven. Oh and the platform looks like a dock of some sort but with metal grates instead of the normal wood.

This women is special of course - why wouldn't she be? I might as well me talking about that guy in the scruffy looking beard but clean futuristic suite who just got off his ship with his briefcase and is going to work. He doesn't look too happy but his wife is sick and he needs to pay the bills...and the child support because even though it's the future it doesn't mean people stopped getting divorces and/or having illegitimate love children back on another planet because you know " what happens on Planer Vegas- Stays on Planet Vegas".

Any ways, the woman walks around the scruffy beard man who is now having a nervous breakdown because he just realized he should have stayed on Planet Vegas - his wife sucks.

The clack of her tall futuristic heels  - um - clack and reverberate off the metal shiny walls and shiny objects  that she walks by as she walks inside of the tall futuristic building.

A robot ( it's the future) that is also shiny comes out of a door  slightly ahead of her,  notices her and quickly comes over to her and shakes her hand. She recognizes the robot, smiles and hugs the robot.

They hold hands and walk in to the room the robot just came of. Once inside the robot takes the woman's hand and kisses it with a loving robotic smile. She giggles back. She takes out of her pocket a small white spherical object. He takes it, pushes a button on his left hip and opens a compartment where he puts the sphere.

The woman also pushes a part of skin on her left hip. Her eyes start blinking robotically. The robot and the "woman" smile again, take a deep breath and hug one last time.

First the building blows up and then that spreads a giant wave of fire throughout the whole city effectively eliminating every last drop of human and/or living thing. Lots of destruction, screaming and chaos every where.

That bearded man definitely should have stayed with his alien lover and/or love child on Planet Vegas.

There goes Krandays.


Writer's Note: I have been watching Battlestar Galactica lately. Second season soo good. People don't kill people, robots do because they never seem to like us in the future do they?

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