Monday, April 25, 2011


INT. A FUTURisitic  School Building

Greg walks over to the futuristic chalk board. There is actually no physical board or chalk because it's the future.

Okay now what year are we in?

Um, it's..

ROBOT DRAKE (in  robot voice)
The current year is 2237 Miss Orgnata.

Jennifer, who is also at the board, slowly turns around to the robot. The robot turns to her.

I also recommend you use your own personal calen-

Jennifer runs over to the metal robot and starts strangling Robot Drake's robot neck.

If you give me one more recommendation I will hurt you in the one way I now a
robot can truly feel pain!

Now calm down Jenn, these recommendations might prove useful later. 
That's why I bought the software upgrade.

Greg separates Jennifer from the robot and walks back to the chalk board. Jennifer sadly walks back as well. She gives one last evil glare to the metal. The metal turns to her and flashes a message on his "robot screen" on his chest: You're a Bitch!!!!!. The lost few exclamation points continue scrolling and fill the screen. It's also animated with emoticons. 

Jennifer goes to attack the robot again but the screen turns to rainbows and bunnies as Greg interrupts again.

Jenny will you please focus, it's just a machine.

It's a stupid machine.

Sure Whatever.

Okay, now why did myself get brought in here tonight with that thing?

Because I may have stumbled on the most amazing knowledge
known to men.

So, whatevs?

This is important!

As they continue arguing about how important it is. The robot shines a red light and  slowly rolls ( it's on wheels too) over to Greg.
Come on science is important!!

The robot taps him on the shoulder. Greg, while listening, leans down to the robot to here his message.

Important? Out of all important things on all the important lists known to man, I would put this pretty low Greg, pretty lo-

Greg, disheartened from the message he got from the robot, slowly gets up and interrupts Jennifer.

Um, Jennkins..


Um, well the robot has made a suggestion that you re-learn some grammar (future word) books.


He said the word, "whatevs" is not a known word in his current vocabulary dictionary.

Oh really?

Jennifer looks, no stares directly at the robot. Not happy even a little bit.

Greg, please leave the room.

Do you have to?


Greg shakes his head and heads for the (future) door. The robot follows.

No, metal, the robot stays.

The robot stops and displays a sad face emoticon.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ireland, it's my island.

Dark room. Dark city.
It's the future too.
Tall skyscrapers and everything.
Ships flying about everywhere.
Lots of people, over population, lots of smog, the usual...but it still has a cleaner vibe, more Aeon Flux and less Bladerunner.
So a tall women in a futuristic type dress gets out of one of the ships and on to the platform of one of the tall buildings. Business as usual, other people are doing it, it's a Monday - or in this case, in the future, it's a Kranday because on this planet they needed more days than the usual seven. Oh and the platform looks like a dock of some sort but with metal grates instead of the normal wood.

This women is special of course - why wouldn't she be? I might as well me talking about that guy in the scruffy looking beard but clean futuristic suite who just got off his ship with his briefcase and is going to work. He doesn't look too happy but his wife is sick and he needs to pay the bills...and the child support because even though it's the future it doesn't mean people stopped getting divorces and/or having illegitimate love children back on another planet because you know " what happens on Planer Vegas- Stays on Planet Vegas".

Any ways, the woman walks around the scruffy beard man who is now having a nervous breakdown because he just realized he should have stayed on Planet Vegas - his wife sucks.

The clack of her tall futuristic heels  - um - clack and reverberate off the metal shiny walls and shiny objects  that she walks by as she walks inside of the tall futuristic building.

A robot ( it's the future) that is also shiny comes out of a door  slightly ahead of her,  notices her and quickly comes over to her and shakes her hand. She recognizes the robot, smiles and hugs the robot.

They hold hands and walk in to the room the robot just came of. Once inside the robot takes the woman's hand and kisses it with a loving robotic smile. She giggles back. She takes out of her pocket a small white spherical object. He takes it, pushes a button on his left hip and opens a compartment where he puts the sphere.

The woman also pushes a part of skin on her left hip. Her eyes start blinking robotically. The robot and the "woman" smile again, take a deep breath and hug one last time.

First the building blows up and then that spreads a giant wave of fire throughout the whole city effectively eliminating every last drop of human and/or living thing. Lots of destruction, screaming and chaos every where.

That bearded man definitely should have stayed with his alien lover and/or love child on Planet Vegas.

There goes Krandays.


Writer's Note: I have been watching Battlestar Galactica lately. Second season soo good. People don't kill people, robots do because they never seem to like us in the future do they?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ah. Fortune smiles. Another day of wine and roses. Or, in your case, beer and pizza!

So what is it?

What do you mean what is it? Isn't it obvious?

Nope, not one bit.

Nothing comes to mind?

I am confused at the moment. Is it something obvious? Is there something I am missing, I must be missing something integral, something important that gives away what it is.

Really? Huh, well I thought it was pretty obvious. Maybe I should go back to the drawing board.

You had a drawing board!?

What you think it popped out, it was very complicated.

Really? Complicated? I definitely am not seeing something. It doesn't look that  complicated.

Well shut up. I have had enough, you can go home now. Go go go go.

Just go? And you are not even going to tell me what it is?

No, no I am not. If you don't know what it is, I don't think any one will. Go, my couch is starting to smell.


MARY(yells from other room)
Hey hun are you trying to get someone else to tell you what it is? ( stops yelling as she comes in to the room) ...because I told you no one else will.

Did she know what it was?

TIM(goes to sits on the couch for a sec then stands back up)
Argh no. I seriously don't know how both of you don't know what it is. I thought it was so obvious.


You to?

Sorry we don't get it. Maybe if you tell us what it is, we can help you so other people will see it?

TIM(goes to sits on the couch for a sec then stands back up)
No no no, that is not the point....

So you still want me to go or was that just a drama thing?

Tim looks at it one more time, sighs and leaves the room.

So, um ya know what it is right?

Well yah,  I mean come on, it's so obvious.


Writer's Note: I found having three blogs has actually made me want to write more on this one because every time I write I get to procrastinate writing other ones, while before my procrastination from blogging all together. This way I get to procrastinate and at least do something. Genius Really.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Nina, I'm afraid I shan't be able to marry you after all.


Andrew sits alone at his desk in the corner of his bedroom. In the darkness, only the light of his laptop shines in on his face. He types madly and with each key stroke he gets more excited.

Then the monster slices through is throat!

He jumps out of his chair with the final key stroke.

The End! Ha Screw you Will.

He looks around for validation as if a crowd was watching. He sees his empty room, slowly sits back down and stares at his completed script. 

He stares at it, almost waiting for something to come out of the screen.

He looks around the room again, while dicking around with his mouse. Andrew's eyes fall back on his screen and his hand open the internet and already logged in to Facebook. No one is online. Confused, Andrew looks at the time. It is very late.

Andrew opens a friend's profile and starts typing a message. He gets two lines in hen starts to backspace and immediately closes the browser.

He gives up and starts to close his laptop screen but the screen gets stuck with an inch to close. Andrew tries to close the screen but it won't go any further. He pauses and starts to open the screen again. What is stuck?

In one fowl swoop a giant green pulsating, slimy, moist, fat and blubbery monster pries itself out of the computer, and swallows Andrew whole.

The End.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So Say We All. The Musical.

Well it is getting late I think you should go.
     No I refuse.
No please, don't make me ask more than once.
   Well then don't make me beg to stay.
I, I can't take this, I need to concentrate.
       Concentrate on what? This exam? School? None of it matters.
To you it may not but this exam and these papers all around me and that low grade I got last week does mat-
      No, no it doesn't. It may matter to you now, everything matters now  but in the long run you will not          even remember this night. It will be one big blur.
Oh so you are one of those. A dreamer...
     And what in particular is bad about that my friend?
     Well if I am dreamer I might as start somewhere.
I am not friends with dreamers.
      Well you should be.
Oh so now you are telling me what to do?
    Friends are always helpful aren't they?

I am never friends with dreamers.
They are always stuck thinking about the future.
     Stop, stop you are making me crazy.
     Don't push away things that make you hazy.
I live in the present and I know what matters most.
I am sick and tired of those who sit  around and cost.
    Stop, stop I know what you are doing.
    You are scared you are worried, you might fall for my wooing.
You guys have it all figured out,
You got the life you want the girl-
   Aww it's okay there is no need to scream and shout.
   You are so pretty....
    I like the way you talk, so witty.
    Not to mention that body, that body, that body.
  Shhhh, Don't worry.

That's it dreamers suck, you've pushed your luck. I am sick of this.
  Your voice is bliss.

You need to go, I need study. Here's my number you should call me.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Don't ever write a check with your mouth you can't cash with your ass.

Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce you to my failure, I failed at my very simple goal of just making 42 entries in a row. Alas poor Yoric for it was a very difficult task I guess. Forty-Two is just to large of a number. Too long of a race, I am more of a 100 metre dash, not a marathon. Please don't blame, if there is one person - or should I say group--no wait person-  you want to blame is you. It's all your fault. Yup All yours and not mine. I have no control over what I do, you do.

So let me conclude.
Let me explain.
Let me bring forth another anecdote another query. 

So um....

We have come to a point in our conjuncture that lest we be frail and over wrought with vengeance, we shall be moot. And dine on the vast and plentiful birth of our bounty.

For t’is not I who caught the whale of a lesser fish.
For t’is not I who sought the eeel of virtue and truth.
For t’is not I who fought the frail and cold hand that justice brought forth.


....and because I- no YOU- found it so hard  for me to make one single blog entry a day, I have decided to spread my word and art over three blogs. That is a total of three. 
One - this one- is for my creative and budding writer within. 
Two -  is for the portion of myself that likes to edit video. FOR I AM BENDER THE EDITOR. 
Three - is for you, my person, and the entire human race, I think we are a little too harsh on movies, especially the bad ones. So with this blog I will try to convince you that, that "bad" movie is actually better than you think. EG. Catwoman. 

Please Enjoy.
Also, let us mourn my old logo:
RIP 2007-2011

It was a nice logo but it seems somebody in the US actually has a company called 42 Pictures.


Now that the period is over here is my new logo till I can come up with something better. 

yay 2011- forever
See what I did there with the words Bender and Editor? See it? Do you? 

Well this is that and that is this and those are over there till their acne clears up. 
Good night.