Friday, June 4, 2010

Alrighty then.

The man looked up and didn't stop at all as he walked forward. That's what they always say isn't it? Look up, not down. He walked forward with a very few select choice of steps. He was careful.

He didn't rust trust his footing. Who should in this situation? In fact you would have to bark'n mad and taking a few sips from the magic fairy tree of golden rainbows and panavision goggles to be even be in the situation he was in. Honestly he is crazy.

He thought he was insane for doing this, he knew he was crazy for even going through with it- wait that thought was very convincing. If only he knew this sort of convincing words when he was a little son trying to convince his not little mom she did it. It was very convincing indeed. He retracted his last few select choice of steps.

He looked high and he didn't look low. Above him a bird soared above him, it withdrew and released each foul swoop of it's wings; pushing and pulling the wind that cradled its every last breadth. The bird looked down at him. He knew what he had done. A mistake had been made today, the last mistake he, wishfully, would ever make again. Mistakes are costly and don't allow any extra gratuities like iced cappuccinos.

So he immediately looked down. He knew it was the only way to do it right. This time he would do it right. No fooling around with ignorance this time. What they always say is a lie.

He looked down and started to walk forward with wild abandon. No lies.

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