Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stop browbeating her! Can't you see she is sexy?

Hello, and welcome my friends to another great and endearing episode of our show. I of course am most glad to see you once again and would like to spare no time in waste. Let us begin, my most humble and appreciative fans, with today's episode.  .....  ...So....

So....Let us begin.....
.....let us begin?.......


Oh no,....never mind,.....we have been canceled.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

... to suggest the character of this dramatis persona.

I don't have much to say today, only that I one day will have the following memorized:

VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. 

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. 

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V. 

....maybe I could have it memorized for Halloween, dress up in his costume and just say it to everybody I meet. I know I would love it. Might freak a few out though.  

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'd rather have an intelligent enemy than a stupid friend.


Today's Post is brought to you by Green Screen:


There's the green, now you can replace the green with an interesting post of your choosing.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

There once was a man from Bandoo. Who fell asleep in a canoe.

I call it: Creeper

I don't wanna close my eyes, 
I don't wanna fall asleep,

It's in your eyes
I can tell what you're thinking
My heart is sinking too
It's no suprise
I've been watching you lately 

If I was invisible
Then I could just watch you in your room
If I was invincible
I'd make you mine tonight

I wish I could be a fly on your wall
Are you really alone
Who's stealin' your dreams
Why can't I bring you into my life
What would it take to make you see that I'm alive

Cause even when I dream of you, 
The sweetest dream would never do,

And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now
Said I wouldn't call but I lost all control and I need you now

Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothin' at all

Oh and i'll let you go i'll set your free
And when you've seen what you need to see
When you find you come back to me

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am big! It's the pictures that got small.

When the paint lands on him, it paints him the sky blue of the ball. The man notices and jumps away. Before he can do anything the whole room starts to rain the pink paint but land on to the walls and paint them sky blue.

The man runs around for safety but there is nowhere to go he runs around in circle going burzurk till the whole room is filled with the rain and you can’t even see the man.

Eventually the rain clears and what we are left with is a now entirely blue room. Everything is blue, the man is completely blue, his shirt, his shoes, his pants, his hat, his nails. All blue.

Except that blow up ball. It is now pink.

The man looks at the ball, looks at his colour of clothing and the room and back at the ball.

He walks over to the ball, jumps on it, and hides the popped ball in his pocket. The man smiles in his smartness as everything is all the same again, and all blue.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Set your phasers to stun.

There is a man in a pink room. Everything he is wearing is  pink. His hat, his shirt, his shoes, his nails. All Pink. HE is happy and content. This is what he accepts and loves.

Then a sky blue ball bounces in to the room. It looks like a blow up globe. The man is shocked by its presence but looks away cause it is not pink. The ball slowly rolls towards the man but the man ignores the ball.
After the ball chases the man around the room it finally gives up and stays in the centre. The man stops and looks and is happy and content to see it resting in the middle. Away from him but still in the room.

Then a large blob of pink paint drips from the ceiling and on to the blow up globe. The man notices and is happy and says “Ha!”. He points and laughs at the ball for getting pink on itself. Then slowly more paint starts to fall on the ball and the blue starts to disappear.

The man all of the sudden gets worried and runs to the ball and tries to wipe the paint off but it won’t work. By doing so the man gets covered in the falling paint by trying to protect the ball.

......To Be Continued

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dodge this.

Today is a day of redoning. We have come to that moment in time where we miath reflect upon our true nature.

Man has come and gone. The have failed. They will not go on and we must prevail.

Our human kind could not survive in this world, they have died. Our only hope is the future.

Within our future holds the truth. Today is a day that we shall speak the truth. To day is the day that we will devour the enemy. The enemy shall be destroyed. With our might and with our brute force we will win.

In time we will win. Our truth is our only hope and today is the day no one will fail!

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Did I ever suspect what she had in mind?

Turns out Julia is a spy.
And now for an important update of the day.

Bill: Hi! My name is Bill and I am going to give you an important update of the day.
Susanne: No you aren't.
Bill: Yes I am.
Susanne: No.
Bill: Well you can't stop me from doing anything I want.
Susanne: Why yes, I certainly can't stop you but that is not going to stop you from stopping what you are not planing to stop. Because you are most definitely stopping.
Bill: Just watch me not stop.
Susanne: Oh, okay. Go ahead. I dare you.
Bill: Well now you are creeping me out.
Susanne: So are you going to stop?
Bill: No?!
Susanne: Well then.
Bill: Well then what? Nothing. Exactly Susanne, you think you can come here and just get me to stop doing my job well you are crazy Susanne, just plain crazy. Now if you please, it's time for the important update of the da-

And that was Bill with the important update of the day! Thanks Bill.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just hold tight.

This movie , Julia is weird and Jane Fonda sounds a lot like Sigourney Weaver.

This pineapple tastes funny and makes me want to eat a peach.

This t-shirt is blue and I want a red one.

This keyboard is loud and I need a touch screen.

This blackberry is taking to long to load and I want an iphone 4g.

This tv show is too exciting and I want to take a nap.

This sentence sure takes some time to write and I would like to have some hot chocolate.

This post is too weird and I think I might just go write something else.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I feel cold.

Hmm, well I haven't been offering too many reviews lately because that is not what I have set up to do. I do believe the goal of this blog  was to merely exist and have content. I have recently been on a film shoot and have thus concluded I should write a a review-wait no, more like a comment on a tv show. This show is Glee.

Glee is a great show, honestly if there was any other show on tv with singing and dancing I would much much prefer to watch that other show because glee is a bad show. Glee is not a great show, it only has great elements. As I watch the movie Julia, I come to the conclusion that Glee has great creative editing- thanks to Ryan Murphy's direction-  great characters - thanks to Jane Lynch- and of course great singing. But I think all of the elements have soaked up all the greatness and left nothing but bad and suck for the plotting.

They had a slightly interesting arc in the first half of the season and within, some unique and interesting stories  but the way they dish it out is bad. All of the good stuff is in there but the relations and story progress just don't build correctly. I noticed this the most in the season finale, the Finn guy said he loved the Brunette girl but there was nothing in past episodes or even that episode that built up to it!

Anyways, the reason why I bring all this up is that besides the stuff I don't like and all of what I said, I still watch Glee because of its elements and I just plain out want it to live up to the awesome that it could be.

Thank you.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

You were the chosen one!

A loud creak was heard as the man got up from his old and grey creaking chair. It was still a good chair of coarse. It did all the things good chairs do; it supported him in the proper places of his back, it didn't break when he had eaten to many slices of the delicious pie he loves having for dessert, and most of all, it was still there. The man had lost many things in his life and he had lost many of the things he could count on so having one of the few things around he still could, meant the world to him.

So the chair creaked.

So the man got up.

He stood there for a moment or two to take a breath. He wanted to think about his decision before he went through with it, just like any person should. He looked around and took in all which lay in front of him. He smiled. He smiled because it was time.

He looked down to his chair then walked inside his house. A few moments later he came back carrying a much larger, sturdier, heavily cushioned and much more luxurious chair.

The man slammed his new chair right down on his old one, smashing the old one to dust. He looked down at his new chair, smiled and sat down again. No more creaks.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Come back to me is my request.

I've got a life though it refuses to shine.
You can make it right  And that makes you larger than life 
Ain't no sunshine when it's on
Only darkness every day.

I've been waiting
In the shadows all my time.

My loneliness is killin' me
Give me a sign, hit me baby one more time
You gotta fight for your right to party.
If I had to live without you,
What kind of life would that be?


Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,

Friday, June 4, 2010

Alrighty then.

The man looked up and didn't stop at all as he walked forward. That's what they always say isn't it? Look up, not down. He walked forward with a very few select choice of steps. He was careful.

He didn't rust trust his footing. Who should in this situation? In fact you would have to bark'n mad and taking a few sips from the magic fairy tree of golden rainbows and panavision goggles to be even be in the situation he was in. Honestly he is crazy.

He thought he was insane for doing this, he knew he was crazy for even going through with it- wait that thought was very convincing. If only he knew this sort of convincing words when he was a little son trying to convince his not little mom she did it. It was very convincing indeed. He retracted his last few select choice of steps.

He looked high and he didn't look low. Above him a bird soared above him, it withdrew and released each foul swoop of it's wings; pushing and pulling the wind that cradled its every last breadth. The bird looked down at him. He knew what he had done. A mistake had been made today, the last mistake he, wishfully, would ever make again. Mistakes are costly and don't allow any extra gratuities like iced cappuccinos.

So he immediately looked down. He knew it was the only way to do it right. This time he would do it right. No fooling around with ignorance this time. What they always say is a lie.

He looked down and started to walk forward with wild abandon. No lies.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I got to find bubba.

I just kept on running.
The moist wind spreads through the air. The trees drop their dew upon the flowers below and the wind blows away leaving a breadth of freshness upon the pallet.
I know what love is.
My hands felt the grains upon the earth and it was dirty. Maybe going outside isn't the best option right now. Video games are where my priorities should lay.
I cut that grass for free.
So... Yah I can't do this any more, tonights blog is a bust. Sorry all my viewer.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

T'was beauty killed the beast.

King Kong is a long movie. It's three movies in one. You got the whole boat story and getting there then there is the whole island story of getting the giant ape. Then finally there is the whole city story at the end where the ape dies - sorry if I ruined it.
While watching this, the one question I have is why get the ape? You get to this island, find numerous ancient artifacts and then pass those and find real life dinosaurs! Real ones! But no, dinosaurs are not good enough. They are too common place because everyone has heard of dinosaurs. But a giant ape? That is awesome people need to see that, dinosaurs are old news.

Besides other little problems with the movie, like the length, I don't mind this movie. It has action, suspense, thrills and romance. Its also good to have one or two long epic adventure movies in your movie collection, just for those times when you want to leave planet earth for a good three hours.

And of course, who better to do it with then with peter Jackson guiding your way? He knows how to expand the celluloid. He had lots of practice with lord of the rings. Each movie in itself you have to set your day around to watch. Then if you are a true fan, you have to watch them all together, which basically fills up the whole agenda for that day with just enough time to eat and a few breaks to get those muscles moving again. So I guess king Kong was an easy movie to make very long.

Finally, the one memory I have of this movie is the unnerving insect scene. When I saw it in the theatre, I was all by myself and had nowhere to run. Oh looks like Kong is headed for the big building of doom- need to watch it.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Come, a crowd has gathered to greet you.

Please, I know that you are really not happy to see me. I understand exactly how you feel. I put it to you. Who in your entire history has ever helped you?

The time has come to take our destiny in to our own hands. I will never abandon you.

Can Anyone tell me what this flower is? I know this scent. Where did you get it?

It was my brother's. He's dead.

Who is that?

That's the man who killed by brother.

No not today, he is trained to kill. It seems you are trained to drink.

I can't believe it. I never thought for one day I would be standing I the lair of the fox. The lair of Zorro.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network