Monday, May 31, 2010

May the Force Be with You

Lets be begin part one of my in depth discussion on Robert Zemeckis films. Now where should we start? Well I think it would be most accurate to start at the beginning then skip a few and go right for Back to the Future.

Awesome Movie huh?

That about covers it. 

My one memory I do have is of one weekend when I went and watched the whole trilogy together. I got to tell ya, I had a blast. But while I watched it I started to discover some continuity errors of their space time continuum. I forget what they were but all I remember as I progressed through the amazing series is little issues in their timelines and such and when people met. By the time I finished watching, these little mistakes really started to annoy me and I wanted answers. 

So I looked though the special features and - this is why I love every bit of Robert Zemeckis- by golly they had a question and answer part that explained the timeline! Every mistake I found was answered and explained! THEY new, either it be Robert or the DVD makers- I like to think it was Ole Zemi- I loved the series even more for predicting me, they really new me and so I loved the series even more for it. Thank you Ole Zemi.

That is what I have to say about Back to the Future- other then go watch it because you should, even the third one because it has an awesome train at the end that I wan to die in.

And so concludes Part One of The Ole Zemi Film Discussion. 

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