Monday, May 31, 2010

May the Force Be with You

Lets be begin part one of my in depth discussion on Robert Zemeckis films. Now where should we start? Well I think it would be most accurate to start at the beginning then skip a few and go right for Back to the Future.

Awesome Movie huh?

That about covers it. 

My one memory I do have is of one weekend when I went and watched the whole trilogy together. I got to tell ya, I had a blast. But while I watched it I started to discover some continuity errors of their space time continuum. I forget what they were but all I remember as I progressed through the amazing series is little issues in their timelines and such and when people met. By the time I finished watching, these little mistakes really started to annoy me and I wanted answers. 

So I looked though the special features and - this is why I love every bit of Robert Zemeckis- by golly they had a question and answer part that explained the timeline! Every mistake I found was answered and explained! THEY new, either it be Robert or the DVD makers- I like to think it was Ole Zemi- I loved the series even more for predicting me, they really new me and so I loved the series even more for it. Thank you Ole Zemi.

That is what I have to say about Back to the Future- other then go watch it because you should, even the third one because it has an awesome train at the end that I wan to die in.

And so concludes Part One of The Ole Zemi Film Discussion. 

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oh.These are the moments that make life worth living.

And now it is time for that time again to come, stand up and make itself known. So without further a-due lets introduce our first guest. You might know him as that guy but as you all know he is also known as the other guy over there! - but I am joking of cour- excuse me as I take a sip of refreshing.
You are a crazy person.
I am not a crazy person. Crazy people talk nonsense and other abnormal crazy things. I merely discuss things and topics in an unusual way. Do you understand?!
No, no I don't please explain. I am completely out of sync with this tune.
 The marshmallows are destroying each and every one of the bananas! Can't you see?! We must stop them. Do you want the giant graham to finally vanquish us and get its final and much deserved revenge?
I see.
Oh you don't understand. Why would you understand? People like you don't get people like me. That is why I have to go Jim. My life was never meant to go this why. Don't you understand? Can't you see that me and you would never work. Not in the way you or me would ever want. I have to go...I am sorry.
*Tom has just achieved a new level of bonkers. 
I would to thank so many people for this. You know if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here today. All my life I have waited for this moment you know? A moment like this. See some people wait a life time for that one special kiss. I just can't believe it's happening to me.
Oh I get it.
And welcome back from that fantastic commercial. Really, truly fantastic. After working on this show for so many years I have really come to appreciate my life for what it is. Truly. Honestly, shows like this I used to find annoying but after all these years of dealing with it and packing my emotions deep down in to a box and putting that box in a much more sturdier box-I digress- what I really want to say is that I quit you bastards. I will not sell my soul to another corporation again and I don't use tide!
Nope. no, see I thought I had it but then I lost it there. Almost though.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I was hiding under your porch because I love you.

Today is Saturday. Tomorrow should be Sunday and I all goes according to plan, the day following tomorrow will be Monday. But yesterday I started reading Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and will go on to read its sequel, The long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.

I had recently completed reading part 6 of three of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which is correctly named, ...And Another Thing. That book is not written but the late great Douglas Adams but it was pretty good none the less. The jokes were a little pushed but there was an actual structure to the plot,which is an interesting change for the series. Before I began reading I was at a cross as to my feelings for a sequel not written by Adams himself and actually getting a continuation of the series. I should be angry that they could ruin the classic story but I should be happy I get more Hitchhikers. In the end I thought the book was good- not as crazy and unpredictable as the original series- but good enough to make me want more.

But I digress.

I love that word.

My point is that I am now reading DA again, I had only read Dirk's books once before and fell in love, so I thought I should fall in love again and I have. Douglas Adams is awesome.

So the question I ask you is what this blog is about. No seriously, I ask because it would be nice to know. So I think I am gong to try and do more entries because it will give me something pleasant to do in the mid-afternoon-morning-evening sun-in the shade-on my balcony.